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Jealousy; covetousness, backbiting, begrudging, evil eye, green-eyed monster, is a very powerful emotion, which if we allow to take root in our lives, will destroy us.
Jealousy and envy are commonly used within the same contexts but at their core they differ slightly. Jealousy reflects a person's feelings or attitudes toward another person, whereas envy expresses a person's feelings or attitudes toward another person's possessions, achievements or accomplishments.
There are many different types of jealousy and it usually arises in most of our regular daily environments. We can experience jealousy in family situations; with husbands and wives being jealous of each other; parents being jealous of children, children being jealous of parents, sibling rivalry. You would be surprised at where jealousy may present itself in a family.
There is also workplace jealousy, relationship jealousy, jealousy amongst friends, jealousy in a competitive sport environment, at educational institutions. The settings are endless; we can experience jealousy in every facet of our human lives and if we are truly honest, at some point in our lives we have all been jealous or envious of another person or of that person’s success and achievements.
Whilst we may have sought to justify this behaviour in our reasoning mind; being jealous is a human characteristic of our fallen sinful man. When we are jealous we are acting in our own human nature; which is against the Spirit of the Lord.
The Bible tells us that we should live our lives in the Spirit so that we do not gratify the desires of the sinful nature .(Galatians 5:16) In Galatians 5:19-21 we are told that the acts of the sinful nature are obvious and include, amongst others, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy. But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.(Galatians 5:22)
The worst thing about being jealous is that jealousy takes place in your mind. It is self-inflicted, self-created and self-destructive. A person cannot cause or make you to become jealous of them. The act and the state of being jealous of another person is created entirely by our own minds. We control our thoughts and if we are jealous we have enabled our minds to reach this negative state.
Most of the time the person that we are jealous of does not even know about our jealousy and they continue to live their lives freely.
We only have to watch the news and draw from our own personal experiences to appreciate the deadly consequences of jealousy. A jealous person is uncontrollable. They are unstable in all their ways and possess no self- control. What may start off as an innocent minor desire to be like someone else can quickly turn into an overwhelming hatred for another person; which if the jealousy is not addressed in its infancy, may lead to dire results.
How often have we read about a jealous husband murdering his wife because he suspected that she was cheating on him? Only for him to discover after her death that she was faithful to him? Or of a situation where a recently crowned beauty pageant queen is lured to her death by fellow pageant competitors?
These are just illustrative examples of how destructive jealousy actually is. It is more than a simple aspiration to ‘keep up with the Joneses’. When jealousy truly comes to form and manifests itself, you are dealing with a lethal force that is inter-mingled with a range of other emotions such as; anger, resentment, rage, hatred, animosity, guilt, regret and despair.
Thank God for Jesus! It is for freedom that Christ has set us free! We don’t need to suffer alone or be ashamed if we are suffering from jealousy. Instead quickly turn to the Lord in prayer and He will release your mind from the constant torment and give you His divine peace.
If you need prayer and would like for us to pray with you please contact us; Get prayer today
To find out more about jealousy and our human nature buy‘Know Thyself’ Prophetess’s divine revelation book on the human nature.
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