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Ministry Outreach in Nairobi
![]() ![]() ![]() | Kibera is on no map, its 550,00+ people - 1 out of every 5 Nairobians, cartographically invisible. One of the many roads in all unpaved, most only a few walkers' wide rises at a 20 degree angle in yellow dirt. Every day thousands of Kiberians walk several miles to and from their work formal or informal as it may be. One side of Kibera parallels the railroad tracks the other is bordered by stores in corrugated metal, barrels pounded flat. From a distance, the rows of corrugated metal roofs are deceptively regular yet as one moves into the neighbourhood itself the structure reveals itself as an overcrowded, overstressed environment. No one knows for sure how many people live in Kibera; population density is estimated at 3,000 people per hectare - 750,000 people in one square mile - or no more than 37 square feet per person. It is one of the most crowded places on earth. Slum: two definitions:
The urbanist defines the condition, the financier defines the cause. Physically, the urbanist is right: as you walk through Kibera, you are assaulted by human proximity and its by‐products: open dumps, open sewage, self‐built mud‐walled wattle‐and‐daub‐housing, homes roofed with corrugated metal, cloth doors, and flats - occupied typically by three people - that are barely larger than ten‐by‐ten feet. Three people live in a 10 × 10 room; that is the size of the rug under your dining room table. Pastor Motie's outreach touching lives at Jamhuri Park during the recent uprisingI went to register to help the lady asked what I wanted to do. I said where ever there is help required. She said do you have a letter of reference. I looked at her with a "WHAT?" expression. She said "do not be alarmed, I ask because so many people have posed as volunteers here and have exploited the situation, selling the provisions and all kinds of things".. My heart sank. I said I am here to help my people. She said "which people?" I said "the people of Kibera, I am a teacher and minister in Kibera." "Where?" she said "and with?" I described the area in Kibera and said "with EGM and the school being used has gone down." She said "pole mama." (sorry mama). She said let me put you in touch with Pastoral care. They need a lot of assistance there, every other area has a lot of help. ![]() I had a glorious afternoon at Jamhuri Park today. As part of the Pastoral team I was placed with 4 other volunteers and we were managing 13‐15 year olds, boys and girls. We played a few games and each one of us had an opportunity to minister to the group. There are some that are blank, some disinterested but most of them are listening eagerly. I have volunteered for the afternoon shifts everyday this week. Before I go tomorrow I will take some Bibles, notebooks and pens and am sure when I tell our Youth Ministry this is what the LORD is showing me, I am sure that a lot of them will pitch in to buy some ʹessentialʹ items for the kids. In Jesus name. Most just have what the donators have given, thatʹs all! Their Bibles, books everything vandalised or up in smoke! Heal them o Lord, Heal them. Praise the Lord, some of the children have given their lives to Christ. Praise the Lord for the mighty works He is doing in the midst of all this chaos and bloodshed. I thank God for sending me to serve my people, I give Him all the praise. Jesus answered, "I tell you the truth, No one can enter the Kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit. Flesh give birth to flesh, but the Spirit give birth to spirit. You should not be surprised at my saying, you must be born-again." (John 3:5-7) |
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